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Industrial development has flourished in Hidalgo over the last few decades; textiles and cement products are currently the state’s primary exports. The state’s mines yield valuable metal ores such as manganese, zinc, iron, copper, gold and silver. Other useful minerals include gypsum, refractory clays and lime. Additional sources of revenue are derived from auto parts, metalworking and oil production, and the state is fast becoming one of Mexico’s leaders in the assembly of subway and railroad cars, heavy machinery, automobiles and trucks.

Another major crop is the maguey cactus, an agave plant also known as the American aloe–even though it is not related to true aloes. In arid and rocky areas where crops cannot be irrigated, maguey cultivation provides reliable income. A liquid called agua miel (honey water) is collected from the plant’s center and fermented to make the popular drink pulque.

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