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In the middle of the barren Chihuahuan desert lies an area that baffles all who know it's name, the Zone of Silence. Largely unknown, "the Zone" drew worldwide attention in 1970 when a U.S. missile fired from New Mexico went off course unexpectedly and landed in the desert. Scientists researching the area have found high levels of magnetite in the area and have discovered that television, radio, short wave, microwave and satellite signals fail to penetrate the area (leading to its name.) Wayward U.S. missiles aren't the only things that find their way to "the Zone;" the area is also a hot spot for meteorites. While the exact cause of the phenomena is unknown, it is interesting to note that the Zone of Silence is just north of the Tropic of Cancer and "shares the same latitude south of the 30th parallel as the Bermuda Triangle." Witnesses in the area also report regular activity of "strange lights, floating orbs, burning bushes, flying saucers and alien encounters."

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